Anchor text is such a superb linking method to get people to your website. When I first saw this method as a member of Joe Public I really thought this was one for the big boys or the high techies of the world wide internet. When I then discovered how to use it I actually thought I had become one of the big boys or a high techie of the world wide internet! This method of linking to your website is not only superb but extremely easy to do. Here I am going to attempt to show you how to apply it for yourself, after of course learning what exactly it is and how to set it up. Very easy so read on and enjoy.
This is really very simple so by the end of this article you surely will be able to go away and use this linking method immediately on your work, articles, blogs, websites or wherever else you choose to use it. Ok, perhaps like me in the beginning you haven't got the foggiest idea just what anchor text is so I think I'd better give an explanation to start us off. And don't expect any mysterious get - my - dictionary type of explanation as it really doesn't warrant one such as that.
This type of linking by the way is one of the most popular to be used by many a website owner who will be writing his articles, blogs or other forms of publications. It gives the prospective customer an immediate delve into the wares of the website without filling in forms or emails or waiting for some kind of application to be processed.
Ok, what is anchor text? When you read information on the internet just about anywhere you will surely have come across a word or words which are coloured, often blue or red. These words are clickable and if you click on them they will take you to another page or website with information relating to that which you are, at that time, reading.
I think an example here would clarify this totally. Let's assume that I am discussing the topic "how to write articles". At some point in my written discussion it will be apt to send the reader to a page maybe just for clarification purposes and so I will use anchor text to do this. My written discussion might then look something like this, " how to write articles " and if you click on the blue wording you will find that it takes you to this very site's homepage which of course is totally relevant to the written discussion taking place.
But how do we set this up? Absolute piece of cake. You use this expression which is shown here. The "link anchor text" as this site calls it is purely the keyword or words you use as the actual link.
I hope that is clear and that you can see how extremely helpful this linking method is and possibly more importantly, you can see just how easy it is for the prospective customer. All he or she has to do is click on the very word or words that he or she is reading anyway - what could be easier for the customer than this?
Please remember that it goes without saying, you're link needs to be relevant to what you are writing about . If not, you are completely wasting your time and effort not to mention making the customer ever so slightly peeved at being taken somewhere they had no idea about. Linking to relevant content will make your life so easier.
Anchor text is very helpful yes, but it's also extremely important for your rankings in the search engines as the link tells them just what your page is all about. Following this then, it makes sense to choose your anchor text, or your keywords carefully, again making sure they are relevant. For example if you are discussing "labour pains" you might choose the keywords "child birth" as then the search engine knows what that actual page is all about. It wouldn't be very helpful to your cause if you chose the words "click here" for example, though bear in mind some website owners do this.
If you ever invite other websites to link to your own website it's probably a good idea to provide them with the coding as this way you yourself will choose those all important keywords. After all you don't want the other site to choose the words "click here" all the time do you.
A point I seem to be raising all the time is this - don't overdo the linkings as this doesn't go down well with search engines or content article sites for that matter. Nice and gently does it.
Anchor text is used in external links from other sites and internal links on your pages. Links on your homepage are particularly important as this is the first port of call for the prospective customer. If you like you can even use them on your navigation page as lots of others do.
Whatever your cause is for your website, be it service, pleasure or making money, please don't ever overdo the linking as you will eventually be frowned upon by the search engines.
I do hope this helps you in your endeavours in your business.
John Milligan
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