Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Get More Backlinks - 4 Great Tips For Getting More Backlinks to Your Website

You can get more backlinks with just some basic knowledge and some spare time. In this article, I'll share with you 4 great tips to get more backlinks that will help your site climb up the rankings.


The first thing you need to do is write articles. Every site should have at least 30 articles written and submitted to the article directories. For best results, do not duplicate an article over several directories but keep each one unique.

I recommend that you stick with the most popular article directories as these are better for both immediate traffic and also ranking.

Blog Comments

Find blogs similar to your own (e.g. use Google blog search) and leave comments. Do not worry if the blog uses "do follow" or "no follow". The main thing is to make sure that the post you are commenting on is related to your site.

Be helpful and write at least 50 words in your comment. Remember, this is your reputation and you can either come across as a spammer and risk being blacklisted or you can establish and raise your reputation so that people will visit your site.

Reciprocal Links

No site should be composed 100% of reciprocal links but even so, you should definitely go out there and trade at least 30 links. Search engines will look positively on this and see you as a real webmaster and not just a spambot.

You'll also benefit from their exit traffic. Any traffic that you leak probably wasn't interested in your site anyway.

Backlink Checkers

I highly recommend using a backlink checker. Just type into a search engine, "backlink checker".

Then do a check on a site that is similar to yours, a successful member of the competition. Now you'll be able to see exactly where your competitor is getting their backlinks from.

Now go out and imitate them. Go to the same sites and get the same backlinks. If it worked so well for them then it will work well for you too!

Discover how I make money online full-time at

10 Steps to Improve Your Link Popularity Easily!

You've spent the last few months optimizing your website. Your keywords are placed in all the right places on your pages, but your site's ranking is not improving as fast as you hoped. What do you do?

It is now time to work on link popularity!

Why bother with link popularity? Link popularity is important because every major search engine considers them as a part of their ranking algorithms. You must build links if you want to rank well with the competitive keywords.

If your page includes all the important criteria and scores well with Page Primer, it's time to focus on your links. You need good inbound links to move your page up the ranking ladder and get new entry points to your site, but how do you get those inbound links in the first place?

Let's make sure you understand what link popularity is. Link popularity is the measure of inbound links to your web site. Link analysis evaluates which sites are linking to you and the link text itself.

Fortunately for you, there are a lot of ways to improve your link quality and popularity. Here are some ideas to help you set up your own link popularity campaign:

1. Get your site in shape. You must first make sure your site is in shape. Your site should look professional, have good content and be easy to navigate. Validate your HTML code and check your links with a tool like HTML toolbox. If there are broken pages or links in your site, it is not likely you will get linkbacks.

Directories have gone on record saying they may exclude sites with broken links and page errors. Directories want only professional looking sites in their databases, so proof your site before you start promoting it.

2. Make time for link building. You can't grow your link popularity overnight. Set aside time every week to work on link building. If you force yourself to spend a couple hours a week on link building, it will become part of your routine. If you don't make it a priority, it won't get done.

It will take time for you to notice results, but, over time, those one or two new links start adding up until they are hundreds or even thousands of links.

3. Set realistic goals for yourself. Don't expect to see instant results. Link building is taxing, frustrating and time-consuming. Convincing another web site to link to you can be very difficult. If you get one good quality link a month, you're doing good.

Patience is the key to link building. It is important to keep track of who you have asked, since it could be embarrassing to ask a site for a link if they've already given you one.

If someone declines, wait and ask again later. Their company may have changed their focus, or there may be someone else reviewing the links. A "no" today doesn't necessarily mean "never".

4. Educate your employees about link building. If you're link building in-house, educate your company's internal management about the benefits of link building.

Link popularity is unique to the search engine industry. Sit down with your management and explain the concept behind link building. Don't assume your management knows what it is, because most won't have a clue what you're talking about.

Explain link building by describing the relationship of link building and increased revenue, this will usually get management's attention. You will need management's support to provide the time and money you need to get into search engines or directories, so their understanding is important.

5. Quality above quantity. Be selective. Search engines use sophisticated rules when judging link importance, and the popularity of the site is also important. One link from CNet is worth far more than a link from a personal web site.

Stay away from link farms, which are sites that exist only to link to other websites. Search engines take a very dim view of link farms. Google has been known to ban sites found using these link farms.

Try to stick to sites that are in the same field as your site, but not competing. Links that are in your same field will carry more weight than a link from a quilting site if you are a site for automotive parts. This does not mean you should always refuse if the site isn't in your field, just limit the amount of the non related sites that you accept. Links from within your own field are strong endorsements and will go a long way to increasing your link popularity.

6. Get to know the website you are requesting a link to. Establish yourself as a real human first, then when you ask for a link, they are less likely to refuse.

Broadcast emails are a bad idea, sure it is easier, but they are considered spam and will only make the company mad at you. Spam link requests waste everyone's time and don't work.

7. Give them your exact HTML link code. When you send them what you want in the link and suggest which page you want it on, it makes their job easier. This also makes sure the right words are used in the link and reduces the burden in setting up the link. Everybody is pressed for time, and, if you make it "drop-in simple", you will be making it irresistible. The easier it is for them, the more successful you will be in convincing them to use your link.

8. Get listed on as many directories as you can. This is important if your site is new or you do not have any inbound links. Another reason this is important is that, without inbound links, your site is at a disadvantage with most search engine rankings.

The way to overcome this is to get a few quality links. The way to start is to get listed in as many directories as you can. There are many directories out there, and the more you can get into, the better.

Here are some directories to choose from: Open Directory, Yahoo, LookSmart and, just to name a few.

Most directories worth linking to require you to pay for a listing. Most of the time, it is worth the expense.

9. Be prepared to give something for a link. Try to have something to offer in return for a link. Create a page that allows you to have a place from which you can easily link to them.

You can offer to work a barter arrangement with them. If your site is popular or is within their market, they might consider advertisements in exchange.

Consider outsourcing your link popularity work. Link building is a time-consuming part of search engine optimization, so you may find it is not cost effective to do it in-house. This means you might want to hire someone else to do it for you.

Many top SEO firms have turned to outsourcing this function. Outsourcing could be an efficient way for you to get links for your site as long as you use a reputable link building firm.

If you decide to outsource, be sure the firm you hire follows good link building practices. Ask them how they plan to get the job done. Make sure they use a personalized approach, just like you would do if you were doing it yourself. You need to make sure that the method they use would not be considered spam.

If they refuse to discuss their methods with you, then you can assume they use impersonal methods such as widespread e-mail drops or link farms - this is considered spam. They may call it something else, but, if their process involves sending out large numbers of form emails, it's still spam. If they do it the impersonal way, it will only set you back and injure your company's professional reputation. Saving time at the expense of hurting your reputation isn't worth it. Go look for a different company, or develop your links yourself.

10. Think of link building as an investment in your site.

The link building process needs to be one of your top priorities. Search engines have found link building to be resistant to manipulation, and they use it to measure the importance of a site. Since link building takes time, the sooner you start, the better.

Think of link building as a long-term investment in your site. The time you put in now to improve your linking today will insure a good search engine ranking in the future.

About the author: Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses and his continual research

Anchor Text and How to Use It

Anchor text is such a superb linking method to get people to your website. When I first saw this method as a member of Joe Public I really thought this was one for the big boys or the high techies of the world wide internet. When I then discovered how to use it I actually thought I had become one of the big boys or a high techie of the world wide internet! This method of linking to your website is not only superb but extremely easy to do. Here I am going to attempt to show you how to apply it for yourself, after of course learning what exactly it is and how to set it up. Very easy so read on and enjoy.

This is really very simple so by the end of this article you surely will be able to go away and use this linking method immediately on your work, articles, blogs, websites or wherever else you choose to use it. Ok, perhaps like me in the beginning you haven't got the foggiest idea just what anchor text is so I think I'd better give an explanation to start us off. And don't expect any mysterious get - my - dictionary type of explanation as it really doesn't warrant one such as that.

This type of linking by the way is one of the most popular to be used by many a website owner who will be writing his articles, blogs or other forms of publications. It gives the prospective customer an immediate delve into the wares of the website without filling in forms or emails or waiting for some kind of application to be processed.

Ok, what is anchor text? When you read information on the internet just about anywhere you will surely have come across a word or words which are coloured, often blue or red. These words are clickable and if you click on them they will take you to another page or website with information relating to that which you are, at that time, reading.

I think an example here would clarify this totally. Let's assume that I am discussing the topic "how to write articles". At some point in my written discussion it will be apt to send the reader to a page maybe just for clarification purposes and so I will use anchor text to do this. My written discussion might then look something like this, " how to write articles " and if you click on the blue wording you will find that it takes you to this very site's homepage which of course is totally relevant to the written discussion taking place.

But how do we set this up? Absolute piece of cake. You use this expression which is shown here. The "link anchor text" as this site calls it is purely the keyword or words you use as the actual link.

I hope that is clear and that you can see how extremely helpful this linking method is and possibly more importantly, you can see just how easy it is for the prospective customer. All he or she has to do is click on the very word or words that he or she is reading anyway - what could be easier for the customer than this?

Please remember that it goes without saying, you're link needs to be relevant to what you are writing about . If not, you are completely wasting your time and effort not to mention making the customer ever so slightly peeved at being taken somewhere they had no idea about. Linking to relevant content will make your life so easier.

Anchor text is very helpful yes, but it's also extremely important for your rankings in the search engines as the link tells them just what your page is all about. Following this then, it makes sense to choose your anchor text, or your keywords carefully, again making sure they are relevant. For example if you are discussing "labour pains" you might choose the keywords "child birth" as then the search engine knows what that actual page is all about. It wouldn't be very helpful to your cause if you chose the words "click here" for example, though bear in mind some website owners do this.

If you ever invite other websites to link to your own website it's probably a good idea to provide them with the coding as this way you yourself will choose those all important keywords. After all you don't want the other site to choose the words "click here" all the time do you.

A point I seem to be raising all the time is this - don't overdo the linkings as this doesn't go down well with search engines or content article sites for that matter. Nice and gently does it.

Anchor text is used in external links from other sites and internal links on your pages. Links on your homepage are particularly important as this is the first port of call for the prospective customer. If you like you can even use them on your navigation page as lots of others do.

Whatever your cause is for your website, be it service, pleasure or making money, please don't ever overdo the linking as you will eventually be frowned upon by the search engines.

I do hope this helps you in your endeavours in your business.

John Milligan

Link Building & Development - Walk Your Way to the Top of Google

At the current rate that we are going, Link development is ordinarily referred to as the building blocks of the internet. To convert everything into a simple extreme, if you have a lot of links coming in to your website than out, you will be seen more popular and your ranking improved as accordingly. On the other hand, the links are strictly relevant because the search engines entertaining these shall set a penalty for the site. In that case, a good number of appropriate sites will do you just fine when a large amount of bad ones won't.

Link development service providers will also try their best to look for campaigns and advertisements relevant to your site. With applying successful planning and link development campaigns, a lot of websites will fight to be one of your link associates. They will monitor all inbound links inquiries giving advices and acting towards the favorable link partners, as certain links could be derogatory and may be a cause for your popularity ranking to go lower.

Link popularity is a significant tool that is used by SEO professionals. It is a kind of a universal illustration of how much exactly is the total amount of WebPages that are linked to a particular webpage of an individual website. The search engines worldwide actually support the web link operator.

Does Link Development actually work when it comes to superior and enhanced ranks in Search engines? How does link development have an effect on Search Engine Optimization? Well, each and every one of the new webmasters have realized this question a long time ago. A lot of people must say, Link Development has been the center of a website development from the time when Search Engine Optimization has come to be. Link Development is the reliant of Link Popularity. The further your site is well-liked, the more your site gets glory and develops extremely.

All this time, Search Engine Optimization aids and improves a particular website to be accepted with cost efficient procedures. It allows and permits that a site is easy to get to from the search engine and improves the probability of the particular site being established by the search engine. It ranks a website high by its optimization procedure to get additional and amplified quantity of visitors to that particular website. Search engines are going to establish the website's situation in search results and it uses Link Popularity. At this point, we can find a link stuck between these two.

Search Engine Optimization increases the odds of the particular site being established by the search engine and the Link popularity defines the site's location. If this is the case, unless and until we get to be knowledgeable of a site's position, we cannot assess what the flaws and defects of a site. We won't be able to get accurate solutions to make it improved. While SEO permits to make a site popular, we have to know first about the basics early on from the start. SEO is again reliant on Link Popularity, straightforwardly related to each other and affects in an optimistic manner.

Amaan Goyal is a SEO & SEM expert. He is the CEO & Founder of Greymindz LLC based in Arizona, providing affordable and innovative Search Engine Optimization, PPC and Web Designing solutions. Please visit us at

Backlinks For Your Web Site - 5 Ways to Get It

  1. Analyze the data of your competitors: Find out who links to your competitors and why. In case these sites have a place where you can submit your own site, do so. Otherwise, ask them to list you or pay for the ad spot, whichever seems suitable.
  2. Send email: You can contact the webmasters directly via emails. First of all, do some research using the relevant keywords, allinanchor:, site: etc. to prepare a a master list of those relevant sites that you wish to contact. Next, send email to the contact person asking them to link back your site while explaining how your site could benefit them. Remember to offer possible reviews or exchange to these people in order to get a backlink from their site.
  3. Ebay blog: You can post a promotional content of your web site at ebay blogs to bring in more visitors.
  4. Comments on blogs, articles and forums: Do some research using the search engines to find notable blogs, articles and forums with good page ranks that are relevant to what you have to offer via your web site. Your next step will be to post comments on these places and thereby get outbound links from these sites to yours. This is one of the cheaper ways of link acquisition.
  5. Article submission and syndication: You can submit articles to some major article directory sites. Once your article goes live, your web site will automatically get a back link. A better way, however, is article syndication. There are some industry publications where articles are published regularly. Many sites pick up the RSS feeds of these publications. If you can offer the editor of such a publication some quality articles, you may stand a better chance of multiple backlinks.

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How to Increase Your Page Rank From "Zero" to "Three" in 6 Months Or Less

For those who don't have any clue about page rank (PR), PR is the method that Google uses to measure the power or strength of your web page, and with every link that comes into a particular page, the PR of it will increases. It is not a website as whole that enjoys a particular PR, but an individual page. So if the main index page haves a PR of 5, the sub page may only have PR of 2. The maximum PR you can get to your website is 10, which recently I know belong to Google search page itself.

Now I will tell you the secret trick to blast off your page rank from "zero" to "three" in 6 months or less. This trick can be applied in any website in the world as long as you know what strategy you are doing to your website.

First, you need to convert some or all of the content from your website into PDF file. If you want me to say it simple, we're going to make PDF file from your website. So when people open your PDF file they will see your website content in it. To convert your webpage, search in Google for "free PDF maker", there's so many programs available, some are free and some are paid. Then after you have converts your webpage into PDF, submit your PDF into major leading sharing website like 4shared or Rapidshare, etc.

Believe me or not, some people will actually download your PDF file. Make sure you give "catchy" and interesting title to you PDF file. With this method some people will actually link back to your sites thus make your PR higher in couple of months. Try it and get the benefits, if your PR doesn't increase after 6 moths don't worry, because definitely you will get more targeted visitor to your website. The "content is king" concept applied so much here.

About The Author

Copyright (c) Jordan Jones. My step by step guide to INCREASE my website TRAFFIC from "ZERO" to "FOUR THOUSANDS" visitors -

Want Tons of Organic Google Traffic? - Getting Inbound Links is Crucial!

Once you've created a website and optimized the pages for your key words and keyword phrases your work is done...right? Not! There is still much to do.

You may have a great topic in a great niche with many pages of fantastic content, but chances are you are not alone. There are probably hundreds or thousands of pages with content that is just as good and covering the same topic as yours.

Search engines have a number of ways of determining where to rank your site in the search results besides the content of your pages. For instance, when a web surfer goes to a website by clicking on one of the links on a search results page, and discovers within a few seconds that the site is not what they were looking for and returns to the search results page to try another one, it's called a "bounce". You bounce off of the site back to the results page. Sites with very high bounce rates are not going to rank high. But if you click on a link and never return to the results page, or return after a lengthy stay, then the search engine thinks you must have found what you were looking for. Very low bounce rates are rewarded with higher rankings.

Another way that the search engines can determine the value of your site and or page for ranking purposes is the count the number of links to your site from other web sites on the internet. Not only can they count the number of links, but they can assign the links quality scores depending on what kind of site they come from etc. The link text is a consideration, and the text surrounding the link and even what the subject matter of the page the link is on is an indicator of quality. If your site is about widgets, and there is a link to your site from a furniture company and a widget company, the widget link is of higher quality. If you have two links from widget companies, and one originates from a page about the history of widgets, and the other comes from a "links" page where related links are exchanged, then the link from the history page has a higher quality score.

In theory one-way links are more valuable than reciprocated links. One way links are links to your site from another site that you do not have a link to. Presumably if your site is of such high quality that other sites put up links to it without reciprocation, your site must be pretty good or useful or something.

One common approach to obtaining links is trading links or "reciprocal linking", where you have a page where you list useful links, and you can place links to other sites with the same arrangement on that page or pages and the other site does the same. You can then surf around looking for sites that you feel are compatible with yours, and email the webmasters asking to trade links. Some webmasters will trade links with you. It's best to trade links with high quality sites and sites that have something in common with yours.

When you trade links with other sites, don't give the same description every time. Search engines probably give a lower quality score to links when there are dozens or more with identical link text. Vary it each time you trade, using different variations on your keywords if possible. Don't always link to your home to some of the other important pages of your site. Do this where the site/page the link is coming from appropriately matches the page being linked to.

Another way to obtain links to your site is through a process known as article marketing. You write articles and publish the articles in what are called article directories. The articles range in length from about 500 words to several thousand, but most articles are rather short. I like to keep my articles around 1000 words if I can.

These directories publish your article on their home page briefly, where their visitors can scan the titles and read the articles. You are allowed two or three links at the bottom of your article where you can direct the links back to your own site. After the articles have been displayed on the directory's home page it ends up archived for years and thus you end up with a one way link to your site.

Publishers with blogs and ezines often republish the articles and they are required to publish your links as well, so there are more links to your site and more potential visitors.

There are 20 or 30 pretty good directories and generally your article ends up online within a day or two. After a week or so I often can find the article in several hundred locations on the internet. Just do a search on Google in quotes for the headline of your article, and you can see where it's ended up. It's not a bad idea to do the title search before you write the article so you can avoid headlines that are already all over everywhere. When I am submitting my articles to the directories I change the link text every few directories to work in a variety of keywords.

After I write each article and just before submitting them to the directories, I create a page on one of my websites that is related to the topic of the article, and post the article there. One more page on my site to attract search engine spiders...more words for them to find those keyword phrases and send me visitors.

Remember we are looking for long-term success. Try to write an article every week or builds up your site as well as increases the number of links to you. After a year or so you will be surprised at the results.

William Lund has been a successful webmaster since 1998. Learn more about SEO, SEM, keyword research, link building, and making money online Online Marketing

Visit Mr. Lund's blog at Pondering Everything

Can You Still Build Your Link Popularity With Blog and Ping

Blog and Ping was a strategy to quickly get these new sites into the search engines. Blog and Ping is a technique that can get your website indexed in a few hours or just a few days. I just see the blog and ping as a great way to get the indexing quicker and updated more often. I know that track backs and blog and ping work although it still seems a bit worthless to me, who wants to click on a link to a page that references the article you just read. Using the Blog and Ping method "manually", my adsense income increased substantially.


There is no doubt; the most complicated marketing technique for any Internet marketer to learn is how to get your sites indexed. Online marketing strategies change like the weather but one thing that will always remain true and that's the power of backlinks. One of the core marketing strategic objectives of social networks is to expand your reach and open up new avenues of networking.


Even with all my hours of research, it took months more to discover the simple, workable connection between blogging and pinging that capitalized on the design and function of search engines. I've tried "black hat" tricks, like blogging and pinging, hidden text- a lot of stuff that search engines eventually banned altogether. Many blogging tools Like Moveable Type and WordPress now have a integrated blog ping features.


Simply put, blogging is the hottest new form of content, and pinging is how you let the search engines and the world know you've got fresh new content posted. Each post contains links back to your site, so when the spiders find the posts they love so, they also find YOUR SITE. I have an automated list of about 30 odd sites that WordPress pings every time I publish a post. Use a Proxy Server to make your posts minizing any IP footprints.


Goggles algorithms are leap years ahead of any other Search Engine. Google themselves will tell you that they would rather discover new URL's by finding links than getting them via submission. As the saying goes... content is king... but GOOD content will rule the (Google) world. Although content IS king, there a number of sites that are just small pages, flash sites or have no keywords in the few content pages that rank well in Google.


According to Google's patent it seems like they may value slow-growing sites over quick-growing ones. Many SEO experts believe that sites optimized around certain themes, or niches rank better in the search engines. I've been building websites myself for the past 10 years now, and helping others get their own businesses started, and I'm finding that people new to this have a much smaller learning curve and better chance of success when they don't have to build the types of websites that sitesell style hosts teach.


I have not found a faster way to get my new sites indexed and traffic coming to them than by using Blogger. Blogs are getting traffic that static websites only dream of. It's NOT about traffic exchanges, exit-traffic, pop ups, pop under, or any of these 'junk traffic' methods. While "Tagging And Pinging" can be used to quickly and easily drive an insane amount of backlinks and traffic to your sites in a very short period of time, it is only "part" of the entire "system" you will need to learn. There are many very good reasons for setting up a blog for your business, but immediate search engine traffic is one of the bestthat I can think of.


A couple of years ago, when search engine marketers realized that the more incoming links a site had, the better it would rank (that if all other things being equal) a cottage industry of link-farms sprouted up to take advantage of this knowledge, and also to abuse it. Build something of value and give people a reason to link to you. By writing a blog and placing some site links in the posts, the search engines will spider the links, and the pages shortly after you blog. Blog pinging is considered by many to be an excellent source of building link popularity while gaining mass global exposure to your site at the same time. One critical success factor in boosting your link popularity is to use the blog and ping technique to notify lots of other sites about new content on your web site.


With a normal website, you post new content and you wait for the search engine spiders to come in to crawl your site to index new content (which can take from 48-hours to a week or more to happen. Search engine spiders love blog content it's fresh, regularly updated and is the best online community tool around.

If you're tempted to get into 'Blog and Ping'can I suggest that you pause for a second before you swallow all the rubbish that is being said about it to sell these automatic services. One critical success factor in boosting your link popularity is to use the blog and ping technique to notify lots of other sites about new content on your web site. The last six months has seen a massive rise in content theft blogs and spam blogs, and there's one thing these blogs usually have in common, and that's the whole "Blog and Ping" thing, but if you don't know what Blog and Ping is, don't feel bad, because most people don't. Everyone with a site at some point wants more traffic so bad that they find themselves making choices they'd never make under normal circumstances.

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Deep Linking - Get Your Website Out of the Gutter

Increasing the number of inbound links to your website is a critical part of any SEO campaign. Since the search engines rate your website partially based on how popular it is (the number of back links you have), getting better and more back links to your website will help improve your rankings.

One critical element that is often overlooked in developing an inbound linking strategy is the importance of obtaining deep links to your website. A deep link is pretty much any link that goes to your website that does NOT point at the homepage. With deep linking, you want to build links to the important internal pages of your website. This will help improve the PageRank of these internal pages and get them indexed if they are not already.

Focus on deep linking when:

  • Your homepage has a high PageRank but important internal pages have little or none (this may also be a symptom of a bad internal linking strategy)
  • A good number of pages on your website aren't getting indexed by the search engines or have low PageRank
  • You've optimized internal pages on your website for highly competitive search terms

As you would do with homepage link requests, you'll want to seek keyword-rich links from relevant websites for the internal pages on your website. Since most free website directories won't give you links to internal pages on your website, you may want to consider paying for links or exchanging links for these pages. Of course, the better and more useful the content is on your internal pages, the easier it will be to get good links.

Ronald Busky is a web marketing specialist with THAT Agency, a web development company.

Essential & Successful Link Building Tips For 2008-2009

It is coming towards the end of 2008, Google have just celebrated their tenth birthday, boy how things have changed in those ten years for those of us involved in the web promotion business. Fair play to Google, I understand their reasons for waging war on the paid links market, however I hear that it is still thriving "underground" as it were. I also agree with their new stance on excessive reciprocal linking, so what forms of link building should a webmaster be involved with and what are the best ways to promote a website in these heady days?

In my humble opinion 2009 is the year where one way backward links are going to be all the rage. They have always been of a higher value than the reciprocal link but next year could be the time when these links are given even extra weight and power.

I have never really understood the value of a reciprocal link in any case. I give you a pound, you give me a pound, where is the value in that. We started with a pound and we still have a pound. Linkmetro really highlighted the whole problem with these types of links and hence a change has been made.

I am one of those people who really believe in the benefits of article marketing. Why? Well to put it in simple terms, it works. I have been writing articles for the last three years, I set myself a goal to write an average of one article per day and have managed to do this for the last eighteen months. The results have been quite amazing and what's more this form of web promotion is free.

I also believe in viral marketing. This is where you start or try to start people talking and more importantly linking to your site because of something that you have wrote on the site. It can be quite tricky to start with to fully comprehend but again it's quite a clever way to obtain those all important backward links.

Without a doubt though, the best way to gain links is by having quality, original and fresh content on your website, a site that you update on a regular basis. Content is king as they say.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including: stuttering

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Does Link Exchange Affect Page Rank?

Link exchange is popular in internet marketing, especially webmasters who seek to increase the page rank of the website. High page rank is important for a website because the chances of being crawled by search engines tend to be higher. The website with a good page rank thus receives more web visitors from search engines and other directories online.

Search engine like Google, yahoo and msn rate and rank the website by the link popularity. Link popularity is determined by the quantity and quality of relevant backlinks. Backlink is the incoming link to the websites. Many webmasters engaged in link exchange activities to increase the link popularity. Link farm, link exchange directory and link exchange management software are examples of the ways for link exchange. The purpose of link farm is to link to other sites with the sole purpose of increasing the link popularity score. Some webmasters stuffing their website with as many links as possible. However, not all links are created equal. They have ignored the relevancy of the content for their neighboring webpages.

Google does not like link farm. They analyze page content of the website and also analyze the content of neighboring websites to ensure the results returned are the most relevant to a user's query. Once Google discover a website links to unrelated sites with irrelevant information, it labels the link they generate as spam and the site will be penalized.

Good linking strategies are useful to increase the page rank and link popularity score of a website. Webmasters should take into consideration these strategies when they practice link exchange. Webmasters can practice good linking strategies by maintain coherent theme, include the links in page content, have quality inbound and outbound links, and avoid automated link generators.

To increase the page rank by link exchange is not a good practice. The good content with SEO writing is necessary for a web page to appear on top of search engine.

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Increase Your Page Rank, Get More Back Links and Get That Top 10 Listing in Google

You would be amazed at what lengths people will go to get that coveted top 10 spot in Google. Some strategies are outright evil, while others are legit but on the verge of being considered morally wrong. So how do you increase your page rank to get a top 10 listing in Google and other major search engines without risking your name, reputation and business? This article will detail the best and ethical ways to get back links, mainly one way links, to your website.

First of all, before I delve into the details, I must stress the importance of search engine optimization. You may think that this is an overused term and that it doesn't concern you. Well, you couldn't be more wrong! Without optimizing your pages for the search engines you are setting your website up for failure. Nothing else I explain here will matter, or more importantly help you, if you don't optimize your website.

With that said, let's continue. A commonly used form of marketing, and quite frankly the most effective, is article marketing. This is the easiest way I know how to get your website listed in the top 10 on the first page of Google, if not the number one spot, and at the same time increase your page rank. I have personally achieved this myself, all with just writing and distributing articles. Do a search on Google for "honest online income." At the time of me writing this my website is currently ranked number two on the first page. I'm not a professional writer by any means, so if I can do it, so can you.

The key principle behind article marketing is getting as many one way back links as possible. The more websites pointing to your site, the more relevant and authoritative it looks in the eyes of Google. This is where search engine optimization comes into play. You want your website ranking high for the keywords that you have chosen. If you don't know how to do this I suggest you do some research. I've written other articles that cover SEO and article marketing in more detail.

Now I will talk about other ways to get more one way links to your website. Again, remember that back links are what help your website to move further up in the search engines. In conjunction, this will increase your page rank at the same time. You want to get as many one way links as possible. With a top 10 listing in Google, your website will receive a lot of targeted traffic. This is essential for your business.

Other ways to get more one way links include social network sites. Sign up for a service like OnlyWire and when you post to your blog, bookmark the post with OnlyWire and your post will show up in all the major social network sites. This creates a lot of back links to your post. MySpace and Facebook are social sites that you can use to your advantage as well. There are places where you can advertise and place links to your website.

Become active in forums. Place a link to your website in your signature file. Every time you make a post, your signature will be at the end of that post. So, the more you participate and post, the more links you have pointing to your website.

Submitting your website is another way to gain more links. There are literally thousands of directories on the internet. Do some research. Find directories that have a higher Page Rank than your website. This will be very beneficial.

I hope by now you realize the importance of getting back links to your website and increasing your page rank. It is relatively easy to achieve. Start out small. Over time create more and more one way links. You can never have too many; the more the better. Eventually, your website will be in the top 10 listings on Google for your keywords.

Alan Mater makes an income online with his online business web site by ranking high in Google and other major search engines. He offers free online training with internet marketing strategies to generate website traffic and increase sales.

Get More Backlinks - Free Backlinks

As a webmaster ranking in the search engines in order for people to find you is one of your major concerns. Knowing how to get More Backlinks is one of the solutions. What is really nice is free backlinks.

With a good backlink strategy you can get to #1 on Google. I know because I have done it. Not once, but many times. There is only one takes WORK! If you are not willing to do the work or have the work outsourced then forgetaboutit.

Everybody wants #1 on Google. Knowing how to collect backlinks will help get you there. The first page of Google will put you in easy reach of your customers. If you are a webmaster you can do it yourself. If you are a business owner I strongly suggest that you outsource.

Many web owners struggle to rank up their pages and often this is because they do not fully understand the power of backlinks.

Backlinks, are one-way links. Reciprocal links are when links are exchanged between two websites. Backlinks get more "juice" from the search engines and play an important part when assigns page rank.

Now the thing is, you don't want just any kind of backlink, you want good high quality backlinks. There are a lot of sites that will sell you backlinks...DON'T. Most of those sites will raise a red flag with Google, and have the "Big G" looking sideways at your site. Free is the key. Free backlinks!

Do not try to manipulate Google. Be safe and do it right. When you seek to get more backlinks you must ensure that they meet the standards of "Big G" and the other search engines. Main thing...make sure the links are relevant to your site, and come from a high ranking site. PR-2 or better. Authority sites such as .gov or .edu are great for backlinks.

There is a very simple method to get high quality backlinks everyday. No begging, no cash required, just fifteen minutes a day will have you over time tons of quality free backlinks and catapult your site to the top of the charts.

If you see the power of quality backlinks and want to know more on how to get then in the thousands then click below for more information. Get More Backlinks.

How to Get Backlinks to Your Website

If you are an website owner you probably know how important backlinking to your website is. When it comes to run successful and valuable website on specific topic you should spread the word about it and getting good quality backlinks is one of the best way to do that.

The backlink is the link to your website placed on the other website. Getting quality backlinks to your website is very important because it helps to increase page rank of your website which means it will be consider more important by search engines. Besides your website will climb up search engine listings for particular keyword you get your listings for.

The best quality backlinks are the ones that comes from the websites related to the topic of your website. The higher page rank of the site that list your website the better results you will get.

There is many paid and free ways to get good quality backlinks from high page rank websites.

The most common way is purchasing listings on the other high page ranked websites that will keep the link to your website for one time payment or monthly fee. You need to keep in mind that not all website owners will agree to link to you for free. It's understandable as they've been working hard for years to achieve desired page rank.

That's why sometimes when you decide to purchase link to your site you might find prices quite high, however there are still alternative ways to place your link at high traffic and high ranked websites.

1. Forum posting

Forums are the online communities where you can share the word about the topic you are interested in and you have some knowledge about. The idea is to contribute the forum, which means you should share valuable information with other participants. Also you have an option to advertise your website. At the bottom of every post you come up with, you can place links to your websites following forum rules off course. This way the more topics you post or answers you give the more backlinks to your website you get.

2. Articles distribution

Writing articles is a great way to brand yourself and your business, give to people valuable information and earn their trust. However articles give you also good quality backlinks to your website. Normally at the bottom of every article you publish you can add resource box in which you can include a short biography about yourself and links to your websites. This way you get good qulity backlink to your website because article directories usually have high page rank.

3. Directory submission

There are loads of free website directories that will accept your listing. You can choose the proper category for your website and submit it for consideration. Some directories will list it straight away, the other ones will review it before listing it. The more directories receive your submission the more backlinks your website will receive.

4. Blogs and websites comments

Posting comments on blogs is great idea not only to express your opinion about the post you're commenting but also to get backlink to your website. Many blog owners will let you put the link to your website at your comment. This way you can get backlinks from high ranked blogs.

Also the similar way you can post your comments on websites related to your topic. Many of them include guest book where you can put your comment together with a link to your website.

The above ways to get good quality backlinks to you websites are really effective and cost you nothing. If you practice them regularly you will achieve higher page rank for your website and you will get more visitors in result.

Daniel Gebura is an experienced online marketer who helps ordinary people build a successful home business. Visit Daniel's Internet Business Opportunities and Ways To Make Money Online websites for the best home based business ideas and opportunities.

How to Suggest Or Submit Your Web Site to an Add Link Directory

When trying to get links to your web site you need to develop a link building campaign. In this campaign you will learn how to suggest or submit your web site to Add Link directories. This can help you to dramatically increase your traffic to your web site and page rank. Directory submissions are easy to obtain, however you need have a page on your own web site to exchange links from. Most all web directory submit pages require you give a link back to them so that they can benefit as well.

There are several ways to find pages to get links from, however the best way is searching the internet. Say that you had a web site design company and you wanted to find sites to place your link on. You would need to search the web for terms link, Web Site Design Submit Link, Or Web Site Design Directory, Web Site Design "Add Link" or "Suggest URL". These will bring up sites that include the terms you are looking for. The benefit of building links this way is that you can find sites that are valued highly by the search engine you are using as well for your key terms. Therefore your links will be more valuable.

In order to create a successful link directory submission campaign, you need to be persistent and work on this regularly. Depending on the competition for your key word, you may need to do this once a month or as often as every single day. If you are competing for a top key word such as web design, you must understand that the people with top rankings have regular link submit campaigns going on, and they already have thousands - if not hundreds of thousands of links to their web site.

There are many programs on the internet that make it easier to add links to your web site such as link directory programs that you can place on your own web site. This will make it easier to add and manage your links without constantly manually making modifications.

There are also some backlink builder sites that help you find good sites to link to. This can be a valuable and easy to use tool that can save you time on your directory submission tactics. What this tool does is performs these complex searches for you and all you need to do is enter your simple key term, it is a pretty cool tool that can save some time.

So keep working hard to suggest your URL to web sites and directory's. After you submit your web site link regularly you will start to notice results in 1-4 months within the search engines. I also recommend you get a web statistics program to track your progress. You must also make sure that when building links you use your top key terms in your link anchor text when you submit your URL to these sites.

Joel Mclaughlin

Add Site Suggest Website URL Link Submit Web Site Directory