Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to Get Your Site Listed High on Google

The Mathematical Formula for Success.

Google's exact formula for determining Search Results Rankings is a complex Algorithm. It's partly bases on many factors that indicate how active and how popular a site is. Google continually re-indexes the web, and ignores sites that are considered "dead". To avoid ending up "dead" in Internet terms, you need to update your site regularly by changing some content.

For instance, if you publish a blog online using Google blogger you only have to make an entry every week ( or better yet, every day) to keep your site fresh. Otherwise, make a commitment to change something-anything on your site every week or so. This can be something as insignificant as the "last updated" date at the bottom of your Web page or as significant as the page title.

Great methods for increasing links to your site.

1. There are online business people whose particular goal is to increase their links and network with other sites. These networks are called Like Exchanges. If you want to participate, simply access the Google Directory.

2. Then go to this category: Computers > Internet > Web Design and Development > Promotion > Link Popularity > Reciprocal Links. You'll find a long list of Web sites that will match you up with " Link Partners". Make sure to approach sites that aren't direct competitors, but that offer product and services that complement your own.

Playing the Keyword Game

A Keyword is a word or phrase that someone enters in the search box provided by Google or another search service. The user submits the keywords to the site, and a sophisticated computer program scours a database that the service has compiled. The database consist of some of the contents of every page on the web that the search service's automated computer program, called a spider, has been able to index.

What does this mean for you? When you design your web pages, it is important to keep them updated. It is critical to sprinkle the keywords your customers or clients are most likely to enter in the prominent locations on your pages.

* Each page's Title bar.

* Heading.

* The First paragraph or two or your Web site.

Don't worry about terms like at, is, or a, or the; these are believed to be ignored by search engines. Definitely focus on nouns and verbs that describe your site's content. If you need suggestions of keywords that are related to what you sell or promote on you web page, Do a free search at WordTracker. This popular service (which includes a paid version with many more suggestions) provides you with a list of likely keywords based on your site's content.

As mentioned earlier Google's exact formula for making searches relevant and accurate is SECRET. Google assigns each page as a Numeric figure called a Page Rank , Which is determined by factors such as these:

* How frequently the page's contents are retrieved as a result or search queries.

* The number of new pages that are added to the site, or that are linked to the pages being retrieved.

* The amount of text or photos that are changed on the site.

* The length of time the page has been online.

* The time that passes between changes to the page; the more frequently the page changes, the higher its PageRank number.

It is well worth you time in finding a resource that teaches you basic and proven strategies that will help you with Search Engine Optimization and building highly visible web pages in google search engines. Strategies like doing keywords research, finding good products that people need or desire, creating an effective web pages.

Their are many resources that have solid methods on teaching the beginner to the highly advance marketer. Wealthy Affiliate University is the a powerfull resource where you can learn solid skills, or gain access the tools needed to increase website visibility and create a highly targeting Business Online.

Wealth Affiliate creator Kyle & Carson are passionate about helping people succeed with online businesses and give their knowledge and tools to help people who are driven to find success online. To learn more about kyle & Carson at visit:

Some Thoughts on Page Rank

Improving your PageRank overall will take time and patience, but with diligent effort the process will become very simple and natural. Here are a few more ways to improve PageRank and boost the chances of ranking within the top social bookmarking networks:

Add link exchanges; these offer both visitors and search engines to determine your online 'integrity.' The more valuable links you have available, the more credible your website will become.

Only submit your website to search engines and directories ONE time. It is important that you list yourself on the top search sites only once, or you will risk being banned for life. Sending in repeated submission to these directories is considered spamming, and you will lose the chance of increased exposure and marketing from this very valuable resource.

Use conventional file naming with underscores and hyphens; remember that search engines cannot index spaces in your title tags, so it's best to include tags and meta-tags appropriately.

Submit press releases with back links. Many of the top press release directories on the web are free, and you can create a brief 400-450 word article to obtain the right amount of exposure.

Being responsible with both content submissions and the networks you join in social networking communities is essential to business growth. Your online reputation is just as important as any offline business, and the more involved you are with providing material on the web, the higher the chances of brand exposure. Making sure you follow all community guidelines and submitting effectively will help set a strong foundation for your growth across many different networks.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Linking Strategies to Give Your Website a Nice Boost!

The subject of getting links to increase a particular site's popularity comes up quite often.

Reciprocal Links, purchased links, link bait, etc. Is one type of link better than another in the eyes of search engines. Do reciprocal links even work anymore? Which type of link carries with it the most weight? There are a lot of considerations to make which will determine what type of linking strategy you will choose to deploy.

To begin with, let's take a look at some of the most fundamental types of linking strategies which have been used by internet marketers.

There is of course the natural linking method. This type of organic link occurs when a site has such good and well written content that other webmasters take notice and make reference to it from their own website. This type of link can be easy to obtain if a particular site has unique content and already is pretty well trafficked. To get a site like this off the ground can be rather difficult if no one knows it exists. There must be other ways! And there are...

There is the reciprocal link. When a webmaster finds a site that complements the content of their own site, they may email the webmaster and say basically "I will link to your site if you link to mine". Many times a webmaster may simply link to the other site and ask for a link in return. This frequently works and can be quite effective, although this type of link has lost some of its value in the search engines.

Some may choose to purchase links that point to have them point to their own site. The more highly trafficked a site, of the higher the pagerank of that site, the more it will cost to have them put a link there which points to your site. You have probably already seen these types of links. They are found along the sides of a webpage or at the botton with the heading 'sponsored links'.

Another method for attaining links is called 'link baiting'. This method, when implemented properly, can help build links at a pretty fast pace. It can be done by getting a scoop on certain news or by piggy backing on the popularity of other sites such as 'digg' or ' Write some good content, or write about something controversial which will cause others to take notice and link to you. It is usually blogs that participate in this type of linking strategy and it can be effective.

The various kinds of link building strategies may seem over your head at first, but give yourself enough time to become familiar with them. Depending on the type of website you own, it can be quite lucrative.

This author has written extensively on SEO, marketing and related strategies

SEO Press Formula

Video: SEO Press Formula Video

Link Generation - Building a Free Link Network

Building links for improved traffic and better search engine position is a critical task many marketers struggle with. This article will show you how to build a whole network of backlinks for free.

The Web is built on links. Obviously the more links you have pointing to your Web pages the more traffic you can potentially receive. Ideally you'll have a lot of links from sites that are related to yours, thus resulting in relevant & targeted traffic.

In addition to direct traffic, a strong network of inbound links will positively influence your rankings in the major search engines. Again it's important that your links are coming from content that is related to your site.

One of the simplest and most effective link building tactics is to create a network of free content sites. With just a little work you can have dozens of relevant pages linking back to your target Websites. Listed below are the various elements of just such a link network.

Article Submission

Most people already understand the value of article marketing. But it's worth mentioning briefly to be sure.

Creating and submitting a large number of articles that contain links back to your Web pages is the ideal way to launch your own content & link network. You can submit articles to directories and contact blog and site owners directly with original articles.

Blogger is the free blog network owned by Google. Opening an account takes only a few minutes, and then you can create as many separate blogs as you like.

It's a good idea to create a blog that focuses on only one or two core (and related) topic. And be sure to include good keywords in the name of your blog. This will allow you to link to your site from related content.

Be sure to create a number of keyword rich posts and to add a liberal number of keyword-anchored links from these posts. The Google spiders love Blogger and thus your sites will be indexed very quickly through the links you place from here.

WordPress Network also has a free blog network. It's a good ides to open an account here and create a series of relevant blogs, which you can then link to your core sites and to your Blogger posts.
Remember to place solid keywords into the name of your blog. This will be your actual blog domain and will help with search engine optimization and the relevance of outgoing links.

Squidoo is a social media authority site. You can open a free account and then create as many lenses as you like.

A lens is a single page authority hub on a particular subject. So you'd want to create one or more lenses around specific keywords related to your primary Websites.

And of course you can link from these lenses to your main domain and many of your internal pages. You can also add the RSS feed for your Blogger and WordPress free blogs directly into your Squidoo lens, thus creating backlinks for those portals as well.

Google Pages/Google Sites

Google Pages is no longer accepting new members, but if you have an old account you never used now is the time to fire it up. Google Sites is now the place where Google free account holders can create free Web pages.

You can create separate accounts here, always using good keywords as your account name will be the actual subdomain name where your free site is located. Then you will be able to build a number of simple, content and keyword rich Web pages that all link back to your other free resources and of course to your primary Website.

In the above scenario, you are creating a multitude of Web pages and blog posts that talk about your core Website. These utilities will all link among themselves to create maximum exposure and to encourage search engine spiders to crawl your entire network.

And clearly each resource will link back to your main business site. This will result in the search engines indexing and ranking you from these free pages, and will also generate a good deal of organic traffic from targeted content.

Building a free link network is a simple process. As long as you apply quality content improved traffic and search engine position is an inevitable result of this strategy.

Want more organic traffic? You'll be able to build a search engine friendly site quickly and easily using the tips and secrets revealed in our basic Web design course.

Link Exchange Tips

Link exchange is one of the most popular ways how to get links pointed to your website absolutely for free. To get the best possible results this marketing technique must be done effective. In this article you will learn how to exchange as many links as possible in short period of the time and how to ensure they come from quality websites.

First, you should know there are two basic types of link exchange - normal and triangular. For example, if site A links to site B and site B back to site A, it is normal link exchange. This technique is very easy to handle (you do not need to run any additional website) and still very popular. In last years, many webmasters started to use triangular link exchange. It means that site A links to site B and site B does not link back to site A but to site C. The reason why some site owners prefer this way is the fact Google can recognize exchanged links and gives them lower value.

When you decide which type of link exchange are you going to use you should create a page where you will place partners links. This page should be one or max. 2 clicks from your home page. When you create it, you should start to Google for websites related to yours.

First, ensure you have found quality website. The site should be indexed by Google, have some pagerank and be related to yours. For example, if you run web hosting company you should search for hosting directories, SEO companies, web designers and not for pet sites. The partners site should not contain links to adult or casino sites to avoid bad neighborhood.

When you find some site where you want to have your link, follow these steps:

1. Link to other site from your link page first. Sometimes you will find HTML code with the anchor text and description on partners website.
2. Send an email to website owner with the location of his link. Explain why do you like his website and that both of you will profit from the link exchange.
3. If the site owner put your link online store the URL in excel sheet. Later you will need to check if your link exists on the partner site.
4. In case you will get no response in one or two weeks try to send friendly reminder. It may happen the other party is very busy but still want to accept your offer.
5. If the site owner does not respond simply remove the link.
6. Repeat steps 1 - 5.

Contacting other webmasters is only one of possible ways how to run link exchange. You can also let others to contact you. How to do that?

1. Put on your link page HTML code which you want others to use on their websites.
2. Advertise this page on webmaster forums (if allowed by forum rules).
3. People will come to your website, link first to you and then ask you for linking back.

This solution has one big advantage -- you will get additional backlinks from the forums where you advertise. You can also try free classifieds and PPC advertising to drive link partners to your website.

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